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Regarding Our Temporary Closure



To The Model Railroad Community and friends of the NWR;

On Friday, January 24, 2020, I received a call that the front door of the club had been kicked in. After surveying the building we found that there were no items missing. Good news one might think! It was when we followed the white dust from the crew room to the layout room; that our hearts began to sink. There in front of us our layout looked like it had been transformed into a winter wonderland. The people responsible for this had unleashed two of our fire extinguishers on the layout and the building. At first glance one would think, that this is not too bad.

We have been working with the insurance companies as well as the restoration companies to make us whole again. We still do not have all of the pieces to the puzzle in place. I felt that I could not wait any longer to let all of you know what has happened and why we are not allowing visitors.

The NWR club is fine. We are not going to disappear. We are going to turn this tragedy into a teaching experience. The club house will take on a lean appearance and the 20+ years of dust will be gone from the layout. The whole layout will look brand new just as it was in the early 80’s.

Now is a great time to become a member. With all that we have to do we will be able to teach you the ABC’s of model railroading. The East Bend redo will get started as we go through this process.

For the most current information, follow us at or follow us on Face Book. A lot of you have reached out to us and offered to help. We are overwhelmed by the support. As soon as I have a date that the building can be open to us and the public, I will let you know. I will have information on any help that we might need or any links that might help us. Just keep your eye on our web site and social media.

Don’t forget: SATURDAY, March 7,2020:


@ MANUAL HIGH SCHOOL from 10 am. to 3 pm.


Steven A. Handly

President N&WRMRRC

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